Ausstellung, Buch
Das Ausgangsmaterial der Filme, Ausstellungen und der Publikation SAMPLE CITIES bilden Fotosequenzen, die essentielle Situationen urbaner Erfahrungen beschreiben, sie zeigen Verdichtungen menschlichen und unmenschlichen Handelns. Die Städte, in denen die Fotografien zwischen 1973-2013 realisiert wurden, sind u.a. Berlin, Budapest und New York, Orte mit traumatisierter Vergangenheit: Krieg, Diktatur, Terrorkatastrophen.
Jede einzelne Bildfolge beinhaltet bereits in sich ein Konzept, eine Anordnung, ein Programm, sie sind Partituren, Notationen, im kinematografischen Kontext werden sie zu Wahrnehmungsexperimenten, zu zeitlichen, räumlichen oder Zeit-räumlichen, Raum-zeitlichen Sequenzen.
Mit Texten von Concret Narrative Society, András Forgách, Gusztáv Hámos, Miklós Peternák, Katja Pratschke und Thomas Tode
Berlin 2014, 240 Seiten, ca. 1000 Farb und s/w Fotografien
21 x 27 cm, Hardcover, Deutsch/Englisch, ISBN 978-3-95763-031-5
(Hg.) Concret Narrative Society, Verlag Revolver Publishing Berlin
[...] »The poetic narrative is an important element of the city descriptions. That which cannot be photographed is written down. That which cannot be said is photographed. The text and images are in a dialog with each other. The written text describing activities, circumstances, situations or relationships, and hints at things that cannot be represented in the image. The photo sequences are experiments in perception, which deconstruct the filmic into its components using cinematographic means in order to construct, to create potential, social, political and personal spaces. The process of de- and reconstructing using filmic means permits thinking in a paradigm shift, which is visible in the photo works as new urban potential spaces.
The photo sequences show that which would not be seen otherwise, that which has not been represented so far: The marginalized, the invisible, the borderline, the unofficial. Thus, various forms of medial representation have been developed by the artists: Tableaux, photo sequences, a folding sheet and a three-dimensional photo object. SAMPLE CITIES deals on an exemplary level with the expansion of the cinematic space. We regard the city descriptions as experiments in filmic perception, and thus this is connected to Hámos and Pratschke’s artistic confrontation with the still image in a cinematographic context.«
(Concrete Narrative Society: The Cinematographic in Photography, in: Sample Cities, 2014)»The Unnameable City«, Art Museum of Nanjing Art University, Bejing, China, 2018
»Sample Cities«, Showroom Vice Versa Berlin, 2015
»Sample Cities«, Galerie Max Mueller Mumbai, 2014
»Sample Cities«, KHOJ International Artists’ Association in Kooperation mit dem Goethe Institut Delhi, 2014
»Sample Cities«, FUGA Center of Architecture Budapest, 2014
Marler Videokunst-Preis, Skulpturenmuseum Glaskasten Marl, 2014»Sample City«, Galerie Raskalinokov Dresden, 2014